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Christian Fellowship Church | Columbia

Oct 28, 2018

Stand alone sermon by Phil Schaefer on October 28, 2018. Christianity at its core is the end of all religion.

Oct 21, 2018

Part of the "A Momentous Move" series by Michael Acock on October 21, 2018. How to move forward as a church.

Oct 14, 2018

Part of the "A Momentous Move" series by Michael Acock on October 14, 2018. How do we move forward as a church? Continuing the sermon series, A Momentous Move, from last week, Pastor Michael Acock teaches this morning on what it looks like for our church to move forward, to grow. Pastor Mike starts the sermon with...

Oct 7, 2018

Part of the "A Momentous Move" series by Phil Schaefer on October 07, 2018. Bold Faith - When we look at the story of God's people, we see there are moments when God leads momentous moves, and we believe that our church is on the doorstep of our own move. In today's sermon, Pastor Phil Schaefer teaches on why we,...