Apr 21, 2024
Today, Michael Acock speaks in the third message of a 10-week series as we walk through the book of Philippians. Today, we begin reading in Philippians 1:27-30.
In Philippians, Paul is inviting us to:
1. Consider God’s activities and purposes in creation and
2. Reflect on God’s calling in our own lives.
3. Embrace a mindset that privileges others above ourselves.
This letter, the book of Philippians, includes the themes of Christ as at once humble Lord and supreme paradigm of Christian life; of unity in Christ that overcomes the forces of dissension; of a readiness to suffer for the sake of the gospel that does not rob us of joy in Christ; of the radical difference between a righteousness of our own and a righteousness from God; and of a life of thanksgiving in mutual giving and receiving.
We hope this message encourages you and helps you know Jesus in a more real way. You can find the full sermon notes and other resources at our website. Subscribe to us at our YouTube channel, on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify. You can also visit us at Facebook or Instagram.