Jun 25, 2023
Today, Pastor Michael Acock brings the message titled "Remember God in Opposition," which is week 4 in our series 'The Good Work' as we look at the Old Testament book of Nehemiah.
You can find the full sermon notes and other resources at our website. We hope this message encourages you and helps you know Jesus in a more...
Jun 18, 2023
Today, Pastor Michael Acock brings the message titled "Unifying Community," which is week 3 of 'The Good Work' series on the Old Testament book of Nehemiah.
You can find the full sermon notes and other resources at our website. We hope this message encourages you and helps you know Jesus in a more real way. Subscribe to...
Jun 11, 2023
Today, Pastor Michael Acock brings the message titled "Compassionate Dissatisfaction," which is week 2 of our series in the Old Testament book of Nehemiah called 'The Good Work.'
You can find the full sermon notes and other resources at our website. We hope this message encourages you and helps you know Jesus in a more...
Jun 4, 2023
Today, Pastor Michael Acock brings the message titled "Rebuilt to Represent," which is week 1 of a new series called "The Good Work." During this 6 week series, we will be reading through the book of Nehemiah and learning lessons from this Old Testament book.
You can find the full sermon notes and other resources at